How are you coping with climate change?

UKCP psychotherapist Hilda Burke has noticed an increasing number of people coming to therapy expressing concerns about the environment and the climate emergency.

Speaking to Patient, she said: ‘The anxiety can often turn to despair and a sense that as one single individual it’s impossible to make a difference and therefore the person feels stuck and useless.’

Burke offers some advice for tackling eco-anxiety, read it here

Our conference this year will also look at the climate crisis and the consulting room



Are we neglecting athletes mental health?

UKCP psychotherapist and host of ‘On the Sporting Couch’, Gary Bloom, spoke to the Independent about the vulnerability of athletes.

Bloom says a career-ending injury can have a devastating impact on your mental health.

‘People don’t realise you might have been planning for this career since you were nine years old. Imagine taking 10 years out of your life and then it ending just like that.

‘it’s psychologically devastating, especially if you’re a young player.’

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Bloom spoke to the Independent again in part two of The Sporting Mind series. He says the ‘winning at all costs’ mentality of the sporting world can put a strain on athletes’ mental health.

Read part two here



48% of employees experience work-related stress

According to research conducted by Westfield Health, almost half of employees experience stress and anxiety over the summer months.

The study of 2,014 UK employees and 250 HR professionals also found that 36% felt like their manager expected them to be on ‘standby during annual leave.’

Read more

Learn how to can switch off from stress this summer by listening to our podcast

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