These are challenging times. Many of us are suffering like never before. Accentuated feelings of anxiety in a world that has never felt so uncertain. Feelings of isolation and abandonment can arise which can make it difficult for us to connect with others, to reach out for the human warmth that is food to our spirit. These feelings can deceive us into believing that we don’t deserve the support that we need.
I wish to provide you with a space, often difficult to find in our busy, survival-based existence, where you can find both support and room to explore your own life, with all the insights which this process can bring. As an integrative therapist, I have trained in several modalities, but ultimately it is the heart that guides me. We will work together to facilitate that within you which is resilient and has the capacity for transformation. It is this faith in our innate potential as human beings that I keep at the heart of the therapy I offer.
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