Hello, I am a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and have over 30 years of experience working with clients in private practice. I have worked with a wide range of client mental health difficulties which includes anxiety and depression and I specialise in helping people overcome negative relationship patterns and behaviours. Throughout my time working with clients I continue to be inspired by people’s courage and resilience to change their lives for the better through psychotherapy.
I offer individual counselling / psychotherapy & Group Psychotherapy in Sheffield S10 / S11.
Depending on what you are looking for I can offer short-term counselling or longer-term psychotherapy. You can contact me by phone or email or you can book an appointment directly from my website. I would be happy to explore if counselling or psychotherapy would be helpful for you. I am currently seeing clients in-person & online depending on your preference. For more information and to book an appointment directly visit my website below.
I am also a qualified Group Analyst and run a therapy group in Sheffield
The group currently meets in-person once a week on a Thursday evening from 5.30pm - 7pm .
Currently, there are places available for new members to join this weekly psychotherapy group. Group therapy can offer people a real sense of belonging and a safe environment to explore and develop your relationships with others. I have added a link below with more information about the group and how to book an exploratory appointment.
My specialist areas of work are:
Helping people improve their relationships:
The type of counselling and psychotherapy I offer has a central focus of helping people understand their relationship behaviours. During therapy, people move on from unhealthy ways of coping and negative relationship patterns to develop new and healthy ways of being with others.
Undiagnosed medical conditions:
I am also interested in working with people who have suffered with undiagnosed medical problems. Doctors have traditionally described these conditions as psychosomatic, which can feel dismissive and frustrating for patients. I have worked with clients in the past who have suffered from these issues and counselling has been helpful in alleviating their symptoms. I have also worked successfully with people who have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME.
Practical skills to manage anxiety and depression:
I have experience of helping people learn practical skills to reduce their anxiety and stress levels. This type of approach is helpful for people who want to learn new ways of coping with depressive feelings.
I’m Steve and I am psychoanalytic psychotherapist & Group analyst with 30 years experience. I help clients to reconnect with themselves, overcome negative relationship patterns and find new meaning to their life.
I have gained extensive experience working as a counsellor & psychotherapist in private practice and the NHS as a GP counsellor, and within a specialist NHS psychotherapy service. This has enabled me to work with clients who have both short-term and enduring mental health difficulties.
I have also worked for 25 years in higher education as a student counsellor and continue to enjoy helping young people overcome difficulties and find their way in life. I have added a link below to my 'about me' page on my website.
I have also completed a 7 year Group Analysis training with the Institute of Group Analysis and run psychotherapy groups for clients in Sheffield who want to work on their relationships with others.
I work as a clinical supervisor and facilitate a monthly Balint Groups for health care practitioners.
Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.
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