Shereen Alexander, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Shereen Alexander

Twickenham TW1 English
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Shereen Alexander, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Shereen Alexander

Twickenham TW1 English
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My Approach

I understand the decision to enter therapy can be a daunting one, especially if you're feeling sensitive about how therapy works and the material it might bring up. Together we work to uncover how your thoughts and behaviours are contributing to feelings of depression and anxiety. I'm experienced in using a variety of psychotherapeutic interventions tailored to your needs, whether they be:

-managing anxiety and panic attacks

-learning how to be more assertive

-managing depressive episodes

-communicating more effectively in your relationships

-feeling more grounded

-overcoming complex trauma

-letting go of unhealthy attachments

About Me

What sets me apart from other therapists is the creative approach I take into my work. Along with CBT tools, I may use visualisations, dreams, art, role-play and other mediums that best suit your needs. I believe therapy isn't a 'one size fits all' process and this has allowed me to provide my clients with a bespoke approach necessary to truly reach their therapeutic goals.

Your wellbeing is my top priority. Having qualified as an integrative therapist, I've worked in both the public and private sector and am experienced with both short and long-term contracts. My previous career in teaching has led to a passion for mentoring and coaching newly qualified therapists and I enjoy running workshops for both clients and professional therapists.

I work with

  • Groups
  • Individuals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

Living with anxiety or having panic attacks is a debilitating, day to day struggle. Over the years I've worked with a range of clients who've greatly benefited from having someone with whom they could troubleshoot their fears and worries. Providing tips and reading resources (ones that actually work) is part of how I treat clients struggling with anxiety, as well as working with visualisations and the body. We have to 'make friends' with anxiety, if we avoid it, it will find another way to express itself; often somatically.
As a former teacher, seeing how children behave in their formative years has become enormously helpful in my work with adults. Bullying isn't a 'one-off' event, it's repetitive and abusive behaviour that often results in feelings of low self-worth and confidence. Whether you were bullied at school or are being bullied at work, knowing the signs of bullying and being able to confront the abusive behaviour is tremendously useful in developing a greater sense of our own self-worth and potential.
Depression or a depressive episode is something that can often bring about feelings of shame for a person. Just as with anxious thoughts, we have to first allow ourselves permission to admit we're feeling low and then to explore the causes or triggers of those depressive thoughts. Depression is like that family member you don't want to invite to a special event, but feel it's unavoidable. There are ways to manage those feelings and develop confidence to confront the things we often avoid, therefore helping us to mange depressive moods.
The biggest issue that often comes into my consulting room has to do with difficulties within a relationship--whether that's our partner, friend, or family member. The cure? Learning effective communication styles so that you express yourself clearly and confidently. We often find ourselves in relationships where we're angry, sad, irritated or annoyed by something but don't have the tools to communicate that in an effective manner. Instead of having our feelings heard, the opposite party hears an 'emotional overreaction' and thus arguments and stand-offs ensue. When you're willing to work on how you communicate, you'll see an incredible change in your relationship.
Such a small word for such a big issue. We often diminish signs of stress by saying things like, "It'll pass," or "It's not that big a deal," or "It's fine." Just like depression and anxiety, stress is a sign your body is trying to cope with an 'unseen enemy.' The best thing we can do to manage stress, is to first acknowledge it's there and that we have a right to be stressed, no matter how small you might think the matter may be. The simple (but often difficult) task of talking to someone can greatly reduce stress levels and improve your quality of life.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Transpersonal Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Abuse
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Bullying
  • Couple Issues
  • Cultural Issues
  • Depression
  • EMDR
  • Employment Difficulties
  • Family
  • Identity Problems
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Obsessions
  • Online Counselling
  • Private Practice Issues
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Workplace Counselling

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy

Twickenham Office

46 Ailsa Rd.
St. Margarets
Twickenham TW1 1QW
United Kingdom

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UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Shereen Alexander

Shereen Alexander

Twickenham TW1

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