My therapeutic work encompasses individuals and couples whose need for understanding stems from a wide range of preoccupations. Some concerns might be considered 'minor' and practical while other issues may well be linked to a deep pathological base. My central therapeutic interest lies in the process itself, so that as the work unfolds a clearer understanding of the dynamics involved can be expected to develop.
I also use EMDR to work with clients who have suffered trauma. Some clients believe that specific traumas have been instrumental in causing unbearable emotional responses. These are often linked to historical situations although in some cases they might be discrete instances in themselves. Distinguishing between these two is part of the work undertaken.
As a supervisor I work with individuals and small groups using a variety of methods to enable understanding of work with clients. I focus on an initial supervisory question as the theme for a session and consider with supervisees how aspects of their own experience might impact their work.
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