Janine kane, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Janine kane

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Janine kane, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Janine kane

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My Approach

I work collaboratively with you, offering a gentle supportive space to enable you to share what is on your mind and in your heart . This will enable you to discover your own unique way forward with ease.

About Me

I believe in the tenacity of the human spirit to heal itself when supported. I am passionate about offering a safe space for you to come and experience being fully listened to, without judgement or advice, so that you can learn to nurture that process within yourself.

Sometimes the approach used to survive a difficult experience in childhood or a traumatic incident can become locked in your body/mind. Long after the difficulty has passed you continue to use this approach, which unknown to you, can now limit you. Without awareness and understanding of the origin of its creation, you can unconsciously hold onto it, which can now lead to depression and anxiety. Instead of thriving, you are locked in surviving. Psychotherapy can unlock these patterns and help you refocus to make the changes you want.

In my 25 years of experience I have been privileged to witness many people’s ability to use the therapeutic process for their own growth . They feel safe to share what is on their minds, in their hearts, their bodies and their soul. I will gently encourage you to approach whatever comes up with a spirit of kindness and curiosity. Sometimes your response will be quick, surprising and releasing, at other times there is a growing realisation of piecing bits together to create a unified story which you intuitively know to be true.

Sometimes talking with someone who is not directly involved gives you a greater freedom to risk being open to all of your experiences. Therapy can offer you a different perspective and new way of approaching whatever is causing you concern, be it in your thinking, feeling, behaviour or an unnameable dis-ease.

I can support you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships so you can “come home” to yourself. I do this through active listening, providing a clear space for you to understand and reflect on your experience and supporting you to look inwards to gain insight to make your own decisions. I work in a collaborative way and welcome your feedback to enable the work to progress so that you receive what you need at your own pace.

I have mainly been working 1:1 with adults in private practice. I have also worked in a community setting, caring for people with learning disabilities and people with mental health issues. I have worked as a short term counsellor for emergency services workers and currently work as a counsellor and trainer with University students.

I am interested in what it means to be fully human and have participated in many trainings to widen my understanding and experience. I began with a 3 year psychodynamic counselling training and later progressed onto a 5 year integrative psychotherapy training. This training synthesised many different therapeutic approaches including bodywork and transpersonal modules. I later went on to combine my love of dance and movement with bodywork and have completed a 5 year deep bodywork psychotherapy training, which has increased my understanding of unconscious body processes and a sensitivity to work with early trauma which is often preverbal.

I wanted to work alongside other therapists and support them in their work and completed a supervision training at the Minster Centre, London. (129 hours of training).

I have completed several shorter courses in parenting skills, CBT training, Coherence Therapy and Dance/movement therapy.

Here is a list of my qualifications to date. I continue to engage with current research and courses:

BA (Hons) Creative Arts 1983

Diploma in Counselling 1989

MA in Integrative Psychotherapy 1999

Facilitation Skills for Professional Parenting Education 2002

Foundations in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 2008

Dance of Awareness Facilitator Certificate 2013

Deep Bodywork Psychotherapy Certificate 2015

Certificate of Supervision – Minster Centre 2016

I work with

  • Individuals

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Integrative Psychotherapist

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy



  Wheelchair accessible View Map

UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Janine kane

Janine kane


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