Diane Adderley, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Diane Adderley

Prestwich M25 English
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Diane Adderley, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Diane Adderley

Prestwich M25 English
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My Approach

My approach is known nowadays as relational psychotherapy. No matter what methodology is used, if the relationship between therapist and client does not 'gel', the therapy is less likely to be successful. I do my best to welcome and accept you wherever you are at in your life, not to impose any pre-decided agenda on you: to work with you to improve your sense of happiness and satisfaction in life.

About Me

I have been working in private practice for over 23 years. I am experienced in working both in-person and online, via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or FaceTime (or simply phone!). My private face-to-face practice is in Manchester M25.

I am committed to connecting physical and psychological wellbeing. The mind exists in the body. Thoughts and feelings that arise from any source, internal or external, past or present (bereavement, stress derived from work / home / education / relationship issues / illness etc.) affect both our physical and our mental health. Anxieties about the future almost inevitably arise in our current world - we're dealing with the pandemic, climate crisis and war in Europe as well as our own individual struggles.

Difficult thoughts and feelings may lead us into unhelpful ways of behaving that can cause damage to ourselves, family, friends, colleagues and our wider community. Prolonged overstress leads to emotional breakdown and feelings of low self-esteem.

I work holistically with my clients, taking into account all aspects of their functioning in the world. I use a variety of methods that I have trained in over the years, in addition to my original training in the creative action expressive therapy of psychodrama. These include person-centred counselling, gestalt, NLP and Brainspotting. I'm also qualified in two forms of 'tapping', or acupoint stimulation. These are called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and SET/IEP (Simple Energy Technique / Intention-Based Energy Process). I use the latter particularly with many clients: it's method of energy healing which can be practised by clients both on their own and in session with me. Tapping is based on acupuncture and can calm the areas of the brain which set off the stress response.

My aim always is to help clients find their way forward towards healthier, more enjoyable, ways of living through designing with them self-care strategies tailored to their individual circumstances and preferences. I am also a qualified clinical supervisor, life coach and trainer.

My hours of work are 9.30-5.30 weekdays (not Wednesday). Sorry - no evenings or weekends.

I operate a sliding scale of fees, from £70-£100 per session. You choose your preferred paypoint. If you are interested in working with me, please do contact me either by email (diadderley@gmail.com) or mobile (07786 891055 - leave me a message and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can). I do not keep a waiting list and can usually arrange a first session within a week to ten days.

I work with

  • Individuals
  • Private healthcare referrals

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Psychodrama Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Abuse
  • Age-related Issues
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Divorce
  • Domestic Violence
  • Gender
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Online Counselling
  • Parents
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Relationships
  • Stress
  • Supervision
  • Training
  • Trauma
  • Workplace Counselling

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy

Prestwich Office

Bank House Studios
Warwick Street
Prestwich M25 3HN
United Kingdom

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Range from £70-£100/hour. You choose at what level you want to pay.


Ask me if you need a concession. Sometimes I am able to offer this, sometimes not.

Manchester Office

Bank House Studios
Warwick Street
Manchester M25 3HN

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£70-£100 / session sliding scale.


If £70 weekly is too much for you, fortnightly sessions are available meaning the weekly outlay is only £35.

UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Diane Adderley

Diane Adderley

Prestwich M25

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