Claudia Herbert, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Claudia Herbert

Nailsworth, Stroud GL6 English, German
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Claudia Herbert, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Claudia Herbert

Nailsworth, Stroud GL6 English, German
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My Approach

During my 30+ years experience as a Clinical Psychologist, a PTSD and trauma psychotherapist, as well as a senior executive development facilitator and more than 26 years as director of The Oxford Development Centre I’ve developed and would like to share with you a beautiful palette of deep therapeutic life changing processes. My work involves helping you find your way back to your Self, your connection to nature, life’s energy and to who you are at essence – discovering a more authentic purpose in life. This involves entering a process of deeper exploration and identifying, filtering out and transforming what is not truly and authentically you.

This work is explorative, deeply attuned and takes you on an inner discovery journey. My role is to facilitate and guide your transformation and growth drawing on my in-depth experiences with development work and trainings in many fields of psychotherapy over the years. These include, Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy (CBT) - 3rd Wave, EMDR & bilateral techniques, CRM Comprehensive Resource Model, Schema Therapy, Attachment-focussed therapy, Inner Child Work, including Inner Family Systems, Havening Techniques, Personality & Archetypes related to the MBTI, Body Psychotherapy, Calatonia and Subtle Touch techniques and Depth Psychology.

I am a Chartered Consultant Clinical Psychologist, author of several books, book chapters and articles and have earned an international professional recognition for my wide-ranging expertise and astute psychological insight. My natural intuition, deeply attuned understanding, clarity and warmth are central to my approach.

About Me

I passionately believe in the potential for inner growth and development in each person. My work involves helping people to recover from psychological dis-ease and past painful life experiences through facilitating the gradual discovery and growth of each person's unique, authentic Self.

When there has been trauma or other difficult or challenging life experiences most people have to let go of parts of their authentic Self (dissociate) and adopt coping strategies in order to survive their specific circumstances as best as they can. While highly adaptive at the time, because it blocks out the pain of these experiences at the time, in later life there are often great personal costs attached to these survival-based strategies. Examples are feelings of a false sense of Self; of inner emptiness, unhappiness or depression; low self-esteem or insecurity; low frustration tolerance or anger; anxiety or fear; a sense of drifting through life without aims; addictions and cravings; eating disorders; self-destructive behaviours, and several others.

While dissociated, the pain connected to past experiences has not been able to process and therefore can frequently cause very uncomfortable symptoms, such as, sudden intrusive, overwhelming images; flashbacks and reliving experiences; nightmares; strong emotional or physical reactions; feelings of numbing or detachment; hypervigilance; safety behaviours; guilt; dissociative symptoms, such as feeling disconnected from life and several others. It is often events in daily life, such as interactions with a partner, which can bring out these symptoms.

However, situations which confront us with great inner pain, such as past trauma or abuse or a current life crisis, can move us into our process of inner growth and healing. Through my own personal and professional growth process, I have learnt that if we can move further into the pain, which confronts us, and process it, rather than trying to surpress or avoid it, we can mobilize our body, mind and soul's natural healing processes and strengthen and grow internally. This helps us 1. to transform and change those strategies which are no longer useful to us now, 2. experience and intergrate aspects of ourselves, which we have split off from in the past and 3. become increasingly more authentic, accepting, conpassionate and loving of ourselves. This, in turn, positively affects our functioning in life, including an improvement in our personal relationships, as well as, the relationship with our Self and thus enabling us to feel internally stronger, more fulfilled and content.

I have been the Clinical Director of The Oxford Development Centre Ltd, Oxfordshire's Independent Psychology Service and The Oxford Stress and Trauma Centre, which are all private, confidential, independent psychological treatment services, based on Witney, Oxfordshire for the past 12 years. There my team of specialists and I have been dedicated to providing such therapeutic work for our clients. Currently, interested clients can be seen by specialist therapists, following the above outlined approach, within my team at our specially designed therapeutic premises in Witney, Oxfordshire, or by myself in Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Our approach is to individually tailor therapy to each client's needs and their particular problems and goals. We work very collaboratively and feel that it is important for clients to feel empowered and included throughout all parts of their process of therapy. We recognize that clients need to feel safe and secure with the therapeutic relationship and need to be valued and met as unique individuals in order to benefit from therapy.

In order to achieve this, I draw on my extensive professional experience as a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Trauma Expert (18 years) and the use of a wide range of therapeutic methods, including Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy (CBT), Schema Mode Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Focussing, Energy Psychology, Mindfulness- and Consciousness-based Approaches, Holistic Western and Eastern Healing Methods, as well as, others.

Training, Qualifications & Experience

I am an HPC/BPS Chartered Consultant Clinical Psychologist; a UKCP & BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist; a Registered EMDR Consultant; an ISST Accredited Schema Therapist; an Internationally Recognized Trauma Expert and I am also an Associate Fellow of The British Psychological Society (BPS).

My Qualifications are:

BSc (First Class Hons) Psychology

MSc Clinical Psychology

DClin Psy - Doctor of Clinical Psychology

I have extensive experience working with adults suffering from a wide range of different psychological problems and have a special expertise in the field of trauma psychology, including PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) and Dissociative Symptoms, including Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). I work with people suffering from recent, as well as, long-standing trauma, including childhood abuse, for which I have developed my own therapeutic model, which has been published in some academic journals and a book chapter.

I have written several other books, which have helped people better understand their reactions to trauma and which have been published world wide. My work has received media attention and has been presented at conferences worldwide. I am actively engaged in a number of professional organizations and I am dedicated to my own ongoing process of growth and development. I am also a Reconnection Practitioner and I have extensive experience of working in organizational settings, for example, as an Executive Coach.


My current fee is £220 per hour. The fee for working with one of the specialists in my team ranges from £120 to £180 per hour.

Further Information

I am bilingual in German and English. I work with adults individually, as well as, with couples. Our team of specialists in Witney can also offer therapeutic work with children, adolescents and families.

Our services are conveniently located in Witney, Oxfordshire, and in Stroud, Gloucestershire and both offer free parking facilities. Witney has a good bus connection to Oxford and, both, Oxford and Stroud can easily be reached by train.

I work with

  • Couples
  • Groups
  • Individuals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

I am an Accredited and Registered EMDR Consultant (first trained in 1997) and have been using EMDR as part of my therapeutic work for many psychological problems and individually tailored to each of my clients' needs. I also offer specialist Supervision on complex trauma for EMDR practitioners, groups and other psychotherapists. I am also a RAPPS (
Once an event is registered as traumatic by our body and mind, a number of survival-based processes are automatically set in motion which are not under conscious control. These are neurochemical reactions that are mobilised by our brain to help us to survive. They might provide us with specific endurance or enable us to respond in specific ways that, within the context of the trauma, can be understood to be adaptive. One of the consequences of trauma can be the development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which has been claimed to be the most disabling of all psychological problems. When a trauma has been very severe and complex people often develop dissociative responses, such as a sense of detachment from the body or a sense of things feeling not quite right or unreal (derealisation). Dissociation can happen with or without the development of PTSD. I work with all responses to trauma and am able to assess and help you understand what effect a trauma may have had on you and which condition you might be suffering from. Based on my assessment which may take several sessions, I collaboratively develop a treatment plan of how we might best be able to work together to start your journey of recovery. I aim to help my clients develop strategies to build and strengthen their sense of safety and inner resources to enable them to process, integrate and heal from their traumatic or stressful life experiences. I work within a positive growth model and many of my clients have found that, once they process their painful traumatic experiences, they discover a new inner strength and feel more alive and able to re-engage in the more positive aspects of life and find renewed meaning.
Some trauma has been so severe, especially when it happened in childhood and few resources were available at the time, that the traumatic events may be dissociated and the survivor remembers only fragments or very little of what happened. Sometimes, people had to develop different parts or personalities to enable them to survive the traumatic events. This can result in various dissociative problems, including Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). At the time when the trauma happened dissociation was an automatic and adaptive response, but now it may be highly disabling. This often happens when there has been sexual abuse and this work needs to be done very gently and carefully attuned to each client's individual needs to be able to move towards recovery and healing. I have extensive experience in working with survivors of sexual abuse and various forms of dissociative problems and usually this work is more long-term, involves forming a very supportive therapeutic relationship and can be deeply transformative for the client finding the courage to go on this journey. 'You say that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is seen all that you are Beyond the pain.’ – Rumi
You may associate a trauma with big scale terrible or horrific events, such as a major disaster or environmental catastrophe or war or bombing. Yet trauma can involve any experience that was experienced as frightening and totally overwhelming by you at the time. Therefore, whether an event is experienced as traumatic is subjective and linked to a number of factors. I have extensive experience of working with clients from multiple trauma backgrounds including survivors of large scale man-made disasters such as: Shipping, air, rail and road accidents, Explosions and fires, Wars, invasions, hostage takings, torture and solitary confinement ... and natural disasters such as: Earthquake and floods, Volcanic eruptions and tsunami ... and personal trauma such as: Violence, crime and terrorism including bombings, shootings and stabbings Childhood abuse, domestic abuse, ritual abuse and sexual abuse I offer a holistic, integrative, client-centred approach to trauma recovery and healing, which involves creating a bespoke plan of care for each client drawing on the most modern, science and research-based therapies available. This spans elements from CBT 3rd Wave, including Schema Therapy and Mindfulness and Transpersonal and Depth Psychology, to body-oriented, psycho-sensory therapies such as EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Comprehensive Resource Model, Calatonia, Craniosacral Therapy and Energy Psychology. “Your trauma is not who you are. It is something that was done to you or happened to you. Healing involves embracing and transforming the emotional pain so that out of that place of darkness can grow your own shimmering light”

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Domestic Violence
  • Eating Disorders
  • EMDR
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Parents
  • Phobias
  • Physical Abuse
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Private Practice Issues
  • Relationships
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Spirituality
  • Stress
  • Supervision
  • Training
  • Trauma
  • Workplace Counselling

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy

Nailsworth, Stroud Office

Dr Claudia Herbert
Nailsworth, Stroud GL6
United Kingdom

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UKCP College

  • College of Outcome Oriented and Hypno-Psychotherapies (COOHP)
Claudia Herbert

Claudia Herbert

Nailsworth, Stroud GL6

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