I have worked as a registered psychotherapist with children, young people and adults in and outside the NHS since 2004. Alongside my work, I am a mum, partner and friend and I love swimming, running and food.
I believe that telling stories is how we learn who we are and how we make sense of what has happened in our lives. Once we can tell our story, we can chose what and how to make changes or we can leave it as it is.
When I work with children, we use toys, art materials, music and play to create and understand the stories. With adults, these opportunities are available but most often we use words.
My work with people can be short, medium or long term and face to face or on line. Generally we will meet weekly at the same time and day. We will have regular reviews so we can check that our work together is suiting you.
I am particularly interested and available to work with people who have experienced traumatic events, either through abuse, neglect, accident or loss. I believe that most things in life that cause us emotional pain and frustration can be understood, either, as our response to traumatic things that have happened or as our coping strategies to survive.
I am committed to promoting equality and ensuring prejudice on the basis of gender, colour, ethnicity, age, culture, class, sexuality, religion, lifestyle, economic or immigration status and disability doesn’t have a detrimental impact on the way I work. I invite my clients to raise any concerns with me directly.
If you are interested in working with me please call to discuss this and we will arrange an initial 50 minute session (chargeable).
My fees are £75 per 50 minute session with some concessions.
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