New accrediting pathway onto the UKCP child register

There's a new approved accrediting pathway onto the UKCP child register to support members who hold an adult qualification and have considerable experience working with infants, children or young people before formal trainings were introduced to safeguard this client group or completed an additional child training which is not UKCP-accredited, and wish to have their child work accredited with UKCP.

The new accrediting route can also provide UKCP registration/membership and entry onto the UKCP child register for child practitioners outside of UKCP who want to join UKCP and have completed a child training that is not accredited by UKCP.


What is the UKCP child register

UKCP members who have completed a UKCP-accredited child psychotherapy or child psychotherapeutic counselling training with one of our member organisations are listed on UKCP’s specialist child register.

Registrants must be accredited by UKCP to work with children in order to be on the UKCP child register, either through a UKCP accredited child training or other psychotherapy child training, and cannot advertise working with this client group on their UKCP profile as members can only advertise services for which they have been accredited by UKCP.


Accrediting pathways to the UKCP child register

The UKCP organisational members (OMs) that developed this route will map a therapist’s competencies against UKCP’s Child Psychotherapy/Psychotherapeutic Counselling Standards of Education and Training (SETs) to ensure they meet UKCP’s child standards. If any additional requirements need to be met in order to meet the standards, these can be completed with the accrediting OM.

For more details about the new UKCP child accrediting pathway please contact the OMs that are offer this route:

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