Conversion therapy clarification

UKCP recognises and acknowledges the strength of feeling in response to its decision to withdraw its signature on 5 April 2024 from the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in the UK v2 (MoU) and its membership of the Coalition Against Conversion Therapy.

There has been some misrepresentation online which we must address. We want to be clear that we are against conversion therapy for any age, adults or children.

The UKCP Board of Trustees reassures all members, their clients and the LGBTQIA+ community that we strongly believe conversion therapy is harmful and must not be practised.

We re-iterate: UKCP members must not engage in conversion therapy regardless of the client’s age. To do so would be harmful, unethical and a breach of our Code of Ethics.

UKCP has also published an initial statement announcing its decision to withdraw its signature from the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in the UK v2 (MoU) and its membership of the Coalition Against Conversion Therapy. You can also read UKCP's response acknowledging and addressing concerns raised following UKCPs decision to withdraw its signature.

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