Past webinars

This series of webinars has been recorded for UKCP members.  To view the recordings please email your name and membership number to 


Policy, research and reputation: how and where should UKCP focus its resources?

Held on 11 July 2024

How vital is psychotherapy research? Which external audience should UKCP focus on?

In this webinar, we discussed policy, research, and reputation to examine how UKCP should use its resources. 


Learning from complaints 2024

Held on 14 June 2024

This webinar offers UKCP members insights into the complex nature of complaints. Through a combination of presentations and case studies, we will share learnings to equip you to maintain professional standards of excellence.


UKCP research conference 2024

Held on 7 June 2024

This two-day event featured paper presentations from research-active members, as well as workshops from eminent psychotherapy researchers on a variety of topics, including how psychodynamic therapists respond to what their clients say about sex, the impact of the prison environment on relational dynamics between therapists and clients, using ecotherapy in an indoor setting, sexual inclusivity in therapy, and so much more.  



Exploring the interrelation between ethics, regulation and training

Held on 4 June 2024

This webinar is part of a series of sessions held by UKCP to gather insights from our members on shaping our new three-year strategy. In this recording we explore:

  • how should UKCP address emerging ethical challenges and dilemmas in counselling and psychotherapy practice?
  • how can UKCP ensure ethical standards are effectively integrated into regulatory processes and training to promote quality practice?
  • how can ethical guidance reflect learning from the real life cases dealt with under UKCP’s complaints and conduct process?
  • what is UKCP’s role in supporting members faced with ethical challenges?


Strategy engagement webinar: Membership

Held on 26 March 2024

How can UKCP become the organisation that students and trainees want to join? How can it attract under-represented groups into the profession? What can UKCP as an organisation offer members? We want to create a strategy that captures a collective vision for UKCP – which means your voice matters.

As well as a panel discussion answering key questions, UKCP CEO Dr Jon Levett provides an update on the consultation so far and an overview of UKCP membership. 


What is the purpose of UKCP? A strategy consultation webinar

Held on the 19 February 2024

This webinar is part of a series of sessions held by UKCP to gather insights from our members on shaping our new three-year strategy. 

In this webinar, our panel discuss why it’s important for UKCP to have a primary purpose; how UKCP’s current, sometimes-competing purposes developed and what this means for UKCP.


Working with sexual problems

Held on Monday 30 October 2023

UKCP psychosexual and relationship psychotherapist, Silva Neves, explains how to assess and explore clients' most common sexual problems.


Find out about our project: Accreditation of NHS funded training

Held on Tuesday 12 September 2023

Learn more about our work with NHS England and the three-year pilot training that they are funding for psychotherapeutic counselling.


Find out about our project: Accreditation of NHS funded training

Held on 27 July 2023

Join the UKCP team to learn more about our work with NHS England and the three-year pilot training that they are funding for psychotherapeutic counselling.

You will gain an understanding of the work so far, how accreditation will work and what this means for UKCP and for members.


UKCP research conference

Held on 2 and 3 June 2023

This event will showcase new developments in theoretical, empirical and practice-based research, and unravel the intertwined role of research in psychotherapeutic practice and training. Along with paper presentations by UKCP members, there will also be a keynote presentation by renowned researcher Professor Michael Barkham, a workshop (topic to be announced shortly) and a panel with editors of psychotherapy journals.

Research is central to the future of the psychotherapy profession and a key strategic objective of UKCP.


Learning from complaints

Held on 23 May 2023

The Professional Conduct Committee plays a key role in enabling UKCP to meet its responsibility to maintain professional standards of excellence. It oversees the Complaints and Conduct Process (CCP). The complaints UKCP receive can range from serious professional misconduct to expressions of dissatisfaction with a service. Whatever the cause or severity, each complaint is an opportunity for learning.


Psychotherapy and social justice: mapping the interfaces

Held on 15 May 2023

Touching on the subject of his latest book, Prof. Mick Cooper conducted this talk to explore and map out the interfaces between psychotherapy and social justice perspectives and actions.

The session explored the many ways in which the training, practice, and delivery of psychotherapy can incorporate social justice values and ways in which psychotherapy can contribute to the development of progressive social change policies and practices. The talk also helps to find some bearings in this complex and nuanced field: providing a map and a compass that can bring these two domains into closer alignment.


Dwelling with uncertainty: cultivating the phenomenological attitude

Held on 8 December 2022

Whether as a therapist or a researcher, cultivating the phenomenological attitude can be an invaluable skill. But what is phenomenology? Why is the ‘phenomenological attitude’ necessary?

Phenomenology is the exploration of lived experience and meaning making. It provides a creative approach to investigating complex life issues and is underpinned by philosophy.

There are many forms of phenomenology. The aim of the webinar is to provide participants with a general introduction to, and understanding of, phenomenology and the role of the phenomenological attitude. It will not be a discussion of specific phenomenology methodologies.


Learning from Complaints

Held on 18 June 2022

The Professional Conduct Committee plays a key role in enabling UKCP to meet its responsibility to maintain professional standards of excellence. It oversees the Complaints and Conduct Process (CCP). The complaints UKCP receive can range from serious professional misconduct to expressions of dissatisfaction with a service. Whatever the cause or severity, each complaint is an opportunity for learning.


UKCP research conference

Held on 10 and 11 June 2022

Our two-day conference explored a variety of research projects from across our membership to demonstrate the role of research in psychotherapy practice and training.


SCoPEd partner update event and Q&A

Held on 10 June 2022

This event discussed the collaborative work of the SCoPEd partners, provided updates regarding the ongoing work of the partnership and offered an opportunity for members and registrants to engage and ask questions.

The Independent Chair of the SCoPEd Oversight Committee, Paul Buckley was joined by representatives from each of the partners and included representation from our Experts by Experience and the Chair of the Technical Group, Fiona Ballantine Dykes.


Case Study Research

Held on 12 May 2022

Case study research allows for in-depth investigations that can shed light on the intricacies and richness of a single case. This webinar we will look at the complexities of conducting case study research. 


Research and reflexivity

Held on 18 March 2021

Can psychotherapeutic practice and research go hand in hand? In this stimulating webinar, UKCP Chief Executive Dr Sarah Niblock and UKCP psychotherapist Dr Linda Finlay discuss ways in which practitioner-researchers can gather and analyse meaningful data to inform their and other practitioners' practice.


How to promote yourself

Held 27 February 2021

UKCP psychotherapists Nicholas Rose and Richard Nicholls guide you through how to create a marketing plan which can help you raise awareness of your practice and attract potential clients.


The ABC 101 of Remote Working

Held on 16 November 2020
This webinar looked at what happens when a new client makes contact for online work.

It covered what to do immediately, lawfully and safely, what measures need to be in place, what the contract should say, and how to communicate confidentially.

There is an introduction to GDPR and the July 2020 changes within the EU DPA, including a look at what this means for practice. We also looked at why data must be protected in transit and what actions therapists need to take to protect data in transit, including email, text and platform use. 


Time to Change 

The role of psychotherapy in addressing systemic racism and racial trauma.

Held on 5 September 2020

The murder of George Floyd, and the worldwide protests against systemic racism, have again shone a light on the traumatic experiences of black people. This webinar explores how counselling and psychotherapy might address some of these challenges and what we can add to our understanding of the impacts of racism.


Research, diversity and difference in 21st century psychotherapeutic practice. 

The client voice in contemporary psychotherapeutic research.

Held on 30 July 2020

Many of the forerunners in the profession Freud, Klein, Beck, Rogers, Maslow, et al were informing their evidence base from their psychotherapy practice and research. Do their theories still fit in 2020 given the challenges and diversity of client/patient presentations and socio-economic challenges we now face?

This webinar will offer you two research examples and a space for starting dialogue around research and its importance for our profession.


Lock-down: Anxiety-up

Held on 18 July 2020

The coronavirus pandemic and unprecedented lockdown restrictions have challenged our emotional and mental wellbeing. People have gone from apathy and disbelief at first, to alarm, anxiety and panic as the numbers affected rose then boredom and fears about the economic aftermath.

This discussion will explore what are we feeling right now about what has happened to us and whether there is fresh understanding to be found from thinking about this together.


How to look after yourself when you're looking after others

Held on 2 July 2020

How do you look after your own mental health in unsettled times? What happens if you don’t look after yourself when you’re looking after others? 

This webinar explores how we can set up a self-care regime that will nourish you from the inside out, no matter how challenged you may be by the external world.


The Virtually Impossible Profession: Psychotherapy after COVID

Held on 25 June 2020

For many psychotherapeutic practitioners, lockdown restrictions have dramatically changed their ways of working. This webinar will explore the challenges and opportunities for the future of psychotherapeutic practice and ask how we might re-evaluate psychotherapy as a profession.


Lockdown: Sexual and Domestic Violence

Held on 13 June 2020

For many affected by sexual and domestic violence, lockdown has exacerbated their situation.

This webinar will explore amending psychotherapy to online spaces in a collaborative manner to enhance safety and choice. It will outline a model of working with survivors from a relational and empowerment perspective, and include embodied responses to trauma.


COVID-19 and the financial impact on my therapy practice

Held on 23 May 2020

There are two crises going on – a health crisis and a financial one – and whilst it’s an anxious and upsetting time with the primary concern being the health of the nation, nevertheless many self-employed therapists have found their income has been [severely] affected.


Remote Working

Held on 14 May 2020

What do you need to consider when working remotely?

With restrictions on meeting people outside your household continuing what do we need to know with regards to working on-line?

This one hour webinar will look at all aspects relating to working remotely, from email security, data protection and consent to platforms for on-line working.

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