Members forum

The next members forum will take place online via Zoom on Saturday, 1 February 2025. Timings will be from 10am to 3pm with a one-hour break.


Meet the trustee candidates

This members forum will also host a hustings session in support of the trustee election. You can hear from the candidates as they discuss their election statements and answer pre-selected questions from themes submitted by members.

Only ticket holders can attend the event so please make sure to book your place in advance.


Meet the chair candidates

The chair candidates will attend an online session on Sunday, 2 February where they will answer a selection of questions drawn from topics previously submitted by UKCP members. If you would like to attend, please book your place.

If you would like to attend both events, you will need to register for them separately.


About the members forum

The members forum is designed to:

  • promote and foster participation and dialogue across our organisation
  • allow discussion of the issues relevant to the direction, ethos and strategy of UKCP
  • encourage and support good practice and innovative thinking at the leading edge of psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic counselling.

The members forum acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees. It can submit questions or recommendations to the Board and may, if necessary, call for an election to remove elected trustees, the chair or vice-chair of UKCP.

Any UKCP member may attend forum meetings but only elected/nominated members forum members have a vote. Each UK nation or region has two representatives at the forum.

The members forum is convened and chaired by a moderator who has a non-voting place on our Board of Trustees. This creates a clear link between the members forum and Board of Trustees, ensuring the moderator is able to represent and communicate the views of the forum directly to the Board, without having to take on the responsibilities of a trustee.

Mary MacCallum Sullivan

Date: Saturday, 1 February 2025
Time: 10am-3pm
Online on Zoom


Book your ticket

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